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Using Her Voice

Gabrielle Pickney at a music stand.

受过古典歌唱的训练,并有意从事法律工作, 加布里埃尔·平克尼(Gabrielle Pinkney)的《澳门线上赌场》计划为舞台上和幕后的边缘化声音发声.

当加布里埃尔·平克尼演唱《澳门线上赌场》时,无论是在舞台上独奏还是作为黑人天体合唱团的一部分,她的手都优雅地移动着, shaping notes and melodies out of the air. Her passion for the music is evident and, in her poise and commanding presence, so too her abilities as a leader.

In both her academics and involvements on campus, Pinkney—a music industry major in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)—is at the forefront of making change. She works for representation and inclusion in classical music, advocates for empowerment and justice for artists, and builds community for students on campus.

Finding the Power in Opera

平克尼从小就在教堂唱诗班唱歌,8岁时就开始上古典声乐课. 但让她爱上歌剧的是它的故事情节. She recalls seeing Puccini’s Madame Butterfly 被其中一个场景中令人心碎的痛苦表情迷住了. “Operas tell stories that anyone can relate to, no matter who they are or where they’re from,” she says. 歌剧作为一种讲故事的媒介的力量使它成为分享观点和提出问题的重要空间, she says.

While Pinkney aspires to become a classical performer, 她还致力于改变澳门线上赌场艺术形式的文化叙事, as she explains it, can be barriers to access and diversity in classical music.

A person talking to a class.


Educating for Representation and Inclusion

平克尼参与这项工作的一种方式是通过她正在开发的一个项目 Renée Crown University Honors Program. 旨在与他人分享她有幸经历的音乐教育, 平克尼正在为年轻人开发一个在线教育系列, 深入研究古典音乐与其他音乐类型的联系, 并揭示了古典世界中黑人和棕色人种艺术家丰富而悠久的传统. “In communities that are underrepresented in this area, 可以分享少数民族戏曲演员的经历和故事的资源并不多, or of classical music’s presence in a diversity of cultures,” she explains. “拥有适合不同人群的资源是很重要的, 也让年轻人听到这些澳门线上赌场古典音乐的故事从一个和他们相似的人的角度讲述.”

The series, called “This is Our Story, This is Our Song,,还探讨了代表不同叙事和文化的近期作品的重要性, and features interviews with working professionals.

拥有适合不同人群的资源是很重要的, 也让年轻人听到这些澳门线上赌场古典音乐的故事从一个和他们相似的人的角度讲述.

Gabrielle Pinkney ’24

平克尼说,这个项目的发展在一定程度上要归功于玛莎·萨特教授的指导和支持, in VPA’s Setnor School of Music, with whom she studied voice during her first year. “萨特教授问我在音乐之外对什么有热情,并鼓励我从一开始就思考如何将这些其他兴趣融入到我作为音乐家想做的事情中,这对我产生了很大的影响,” Pinkney says.

Advocating for Artists

Three people posing together at an information fair.

As a founding member of the Black Honor Society, 平克尼说,她了解到“作为一个学生群体,我们可以做多少事情来实现我们希望看到的改变。.”

Pinkney is proud to be part of the Black Celestial Choral Ensemble, where she serves as director. The Black Celestial Choral Ensemble, which performs on campus and around the nation, 近50年前作为黑人学生的精神家园而建立的. “很荣幸能成为这样一个倡导黑人学生和福音音乐的遗产的一部分,” she says.

平克尼也打算成为表演幕后的倡导者. 她说,她和托德·赫尔曼教授一起上的版权法和知识产权课程对她的学术之旅形成了重要影响. “了解到艺术家在这个行业中是如何被剥夺公民权的,这激发了我想要从事法律工作,” she says. “作为一名娱乐法律方面的律师,我将能够为艺术家们辩护. 我正在扩大我倡导古典音乐的梦想,包括倡导所有音乐类型的艺术家的目标, as well.”


Gabrielle Pinkney ’24

Manifesting Excellence

Two people on a stage together.

Pinkney, who serves as director of the Black Celestial Choral Ensemble, performs at a wide range of campus functions.

Pinkney is a founding member of the Black Honors Society, 一个为有色人种学生提供社区建设和支持的学生组织, and that helped established the annual Black Excellence Gala. “黑人卓越晚会庆祝校园中代表性不足的学生,并认识到有这么多人也是社区领袖,他们致力于改变,帮助每个人,” she says. “通过‘卓越’这个词,我们认可那些不仅在学业上表现出色的学生, 同时也为他们的社区发声,并通过许多组织做出贡献.”

创办黑人荣誉协会帮助平克尼意识到自己作为社区领袖的潜力. “当我们开始做这件事的时候,我只是一个大二的学生——我不知道我要做什么. But stepping into the work made me realize my power, and my worth here on campus, 以及作为一个学生群体,我们能做多少来实现我们想要看到的改变,” she explains.

平克尼也很欣赏她在电影中找到的友谊和联系 Our Time Has Come Scholarship program. “Our Time Has Come has been a wonderful space of mentorship, fellowship and connecting with like-minded individuals,” she says, 她补充说,她期待着以校友的身份参与这个项目, as well. “I can’t wait to be part of Coming Back Together and all the amazing events the Office of Multicultural Advancement organizes for the alumni community!”

Being the Change

平克尼说,看到自己的努力带来了改变,是她一直保持动力的原因. “I’m a VPA ambassador, 我最近在校园里看到一个学生,她说我带她和她的家人参观帮助她决定来锡拉丘兹,” Pinkney recalls. “That’s the kind of story that keeps me going. 我可以说我正在做出改变——我帮助一些人迈向下一个阶段!”

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